L´argent, par définition, n'a pas de conscience (paráfrasis de A. Camus, Témoins n. 5)

Sapere aude! (I. Kant)

Un peu d'agitation donne du ressort aux âmes, et ce qui fait vraiment prospérer l'espèce est moins la paix que la liberté (Du contrat social, JJ Rousseau)

"la historia está repleta de credos e instituciones que son de valor incalculable al principio, y quedan obsoletos y casi inservibles después" (Walter Bagehot)

"Si tes projets portent à un an, plante du riz; à vingt ans, plante un arbre; a plus d'un siècle, développe les hommes" (Proverbio)

"He visto cosas que vosotros no creeríais (o sí)" (Paráfrasis de Roy Batty)

"El hombre que encuentra que su patria es dulce no es más que un tierno principiante; aquel para quien cada suelo es como el suyo propio ya es fuerte; pero sólo es perfecto aquel para quien el mundo entero es como un país extranjero" (Hugo de San Víctor)

"Se puede engañar a algunos todo el tiempo y a todos algún tiempo, pero no se puede engañar a todos todo el tiempo." (Abraham Lincoln)

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead." (Nelson Mandela)

"There are no two words in the English language more harmful than "good job""
(Terrence Fletcher)

martes, 22 de marzo de 2016


Please answer the following questions after watching "Inside job" and send it to the teacher's email address as scheduled (filename: INSIDEJOB_NAME_FAMILYNAME.DOC). All the questions are worth the same.

  1. What is the public body responsible for overseeing markets in the United States? Which of its departments controlled agents in whose womb the crisis began? How many workers had to carry out that job? 
  2. Describe in your own words how the film explains the problem of bankruptcy of the Icelandic financial system 
  3. What have been the problems that the regulators have found to carry out their function and which have been the conflicts of interests faced by regulators when they had to go to investigate entities that could pose problems? 
  4. Try to explain in your own words the securitization and CDOs, and why they have had such an important effect on the crisis. 
  5. What are the rating agencies? Which are the main ones? How do they rate the debt of different issuers? Why overall rating was positive although in their inside information they expressed a different opinion? 
  6. Which working aspect of the mortgage market has perverted its normal functioning and made mortgage loans be issued to borrowers with no repayment capacity? 
  7. Summarize how the crisis occurred chronologically as documentary follows. 
  8. R.G.Rajan, who appears in the documentary, published an article called “Have financial development made the world riskier ?”. What is his thesis and the reasoning behind it? (you can have a look at the introduction and at the conclusion of the article in internet)

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